In Modernizr 3, we use a new AMD format for feature detects.


  • Wrap it in a define()
  • Use appropriate dependencies, e.g. Modernizr, testAllProps, testStyles, createElement, docElement, is, etc
  • Modernizr.addTest() and Modernizr.addAsyncTest() should still be called on the Modernizr object
  • Add it to the correct location inside of /feature-detects/ and its subfolders.
  • Add a metadata block and documentation block
  • Add your detect to config-all.json


# Structure

  • Metadata block
  • Documentation block
  • AMD module declaration
  • Test declaration

# Metadata block

This is a parseable comment containing a JSON object of information about the test:

  "name": "a[download] Attribute",
  "property": "adownload",

The available fields are:

Name Type Description
aliases array Alternative aliases for this test
builderAliases array Aliases this test may have had in past build URLs
async Boolean Whether or not this test is asynchronous (i.e. uses Modernizr.addAsyncTest())
authors array A list of names of contributors to this detect
caniuse string The equivalent feature name at
doc string A relative path to documentation about this feature on the Modernizr website
knownBugs array Strings describing known false positives/negatives and any other bugs in this detect
name string A descriptive name for this test
notes array Additional notes about this test; links to external documentation should be defined as objects with name and href properties (both strings)
polyfills string / array A list of known polyfills for this feature, as strings mapping to names in lib/polyfills.json
property string / array The Modernizr property defined by this module; this should be an array if the module provides multiple properties (as in css/hyphens)
tags array A list of keywords associated with this feature
warnings array Important notes about this test, such as common misuse, unstable features and related browser bugs

If you'd like to propose a new metadata field, please submit an issue.

# Documentation block

This is another parseable comment containing Markdown syntax, e.g.:

/* DOC

When used on an `<a>`, this attribute signifies that ...


This should contain documentation relevant to the user and will be extracted for documentation of this feature detect on the Modernizr website.

Maintainer/implementation documentation (i.e. how it works, why it's implemented how it is, etc) should be inline with the test code as usual.

# AMD module declaration

All executable code in the module should be contained within a define() function call, which takes 2 arguments:

  • An array of dependencies
  • A function defining the module, which takes the dependencies as arguments
define(['Modernizr', 'createElement'], function( Modernizr, createElement ) {

Our convention is that Modernizr should be the first dependency. Other dependencies might be helper functions from the src dir, or other detects. Asynchronous test must have the addTest dependency – see below.

# Dependencies on other detects

You can make one detect dependent on another to use its result. For example, canvas/todataurl depends on the basic canvas test:

define(['Modernizr', 'createElement', 'test/canvas'], function( Modernizr, createElement ) {
  • Refer to these dependencies by prefixing with test/, followed by the path to the detect
    • e.g. to depend on adownload, you'd use 'test/a/download'
  • By convention, these should always come after other dependencies
  • Detects don't have a return value, so you can omit them from the arguments list of the module
  • You can access the result of this dependency within the module via the Modernizr object; e.g.:
if (!Modernizr.canvas) {

# Test declaration

A test declaration either takes the form of a call to Modernizr.addTest() or Modernizr.addAsyncTest(), for synchronous and asynchronous tests respectively.

This should be the only thing in the direct scope of the define() module declaration.

# Synchronous tests

Modernizr.addTest() takes 2 arguments:

  1. A property name
  2. Either:
    • A statement which returns a Boolean value representing the test result
    • A function, which takes no arguments and returns a Boolean value representing the test result

# Asynchronous tests

Please try to avoid writing tests asynchronously if you can help it. They're much better supported in v3, but can still complicate things for end users. That said, sometimes it's the only way to do it.

Async detects must have include the addTest function in their dependency array. This is not the same as Modernizr.addTest, but takes the same arguments.

Modernizr.addAsyncTest() takes a single argument: a function defining the test procedure. All paths within this function should, at some point, call addTest. See img/webp for a good example of this.