Modernizr - a JavaScript library allowing you to use CSS3 & HTML5 while maintaining control over unsupported browsers

# Filing a bug?

  • Read this page before filing a new issue. Also details on false positives and our policy on browser bugs.

# [[Authoring a v3 Test]]

  • How to write tests in the new V3 test environment

# [[HTML5 Cross browser Polyfills]]

  • links to shims and polyfills that add functionity of new features to older browser. they work well in combo with modernizr's detects.

# [[Undetectables]]

  • things that maybe cannot be feature detected.

# [[How We Test]]

# Other wiki pages

# Server-side implementations

  • [[modernizr-server|]] (php)
  • [[gwtmodernizr|]]
  • [[rack modernizr|]] (ruby)
  • [[django modernizr|]]
  • [[modernizr-rails|]] (rails 3.1+)
  • [[detector|]] (php)
  • [[Modernizr for Grails|]] / [[(github sources)|]] (Grails 1.3++)
  • Modernizr for Rails Asset Pipeline
  • modernizr-server for Express

# Other feature detection projects:

# Device detection projects:

  • Categorizr modern device detection script that categorizes devices into 4 categories; desktop, tv, tablet, or mobile. This project is no longer being maintained or actively developed.
  • Detector by dmolsen
  • caniuse uses Modernizr for testing, but its a human-curated list of features and their availability in past and future browsers. (Plus % share of browsers with each feature)
  • html5please recommends how to implement a number of newer browser features.
  • browserfeatures is a JSON document cross-referencing features and the various browser bug tracker tickets that own them

# Sites that use Modernizr

  •,,, NFL, posterous, finishline, american eagle, ... [[]]

# Modernizr is used by projects like

  • [[Polymaps|]]
  • [[HTML5Widgets|]]
  • [[Plone|]]